The Leschkes

The Leschkes

Monday, July 29, 2013

13 weeks

Secret’s out! All of our relatives and close friends received their pregnancy announcements over the weekend, and today we made it Facebook official! Everyone finally knows about Baby Leschke, and we couldn’t be more excited. It feels even more real now that all of our loved ones know, and it has been so fun to get congratulatory phone calls, emails, and messages from everyone. The support and well wishes have been overwhelming, and have reminded us how truly blessed we are to have such wonderful family members and friends in our lives.  

In addition to the big announcement, LOTS of other things happened this week as well. For instance, we got to hear the baby’s heartbeat for the very first time! The doctor was surprised by how easy it was to find, and she said that it sounds strong and regular (music to an expectant mother’s ears!). Hearing the heartbeat was incredible, and it’s a sound I’ll never forget…and not only because I recorded it on my Iphone ;)

Then this weekend, my oldest sister, Sarah, was in town – and she suggested taking me baby shower registering! Since she’s due with #3 in November, she has just recently researched and purchased all new infant gear and offered to help educate me on what she’s learned. Boy, am I glad she did! Buy Buy Baby was overwhelming, and without her help I would have been just a clueless idiot with a scanning gun. She knew everything that was essential to have as well as all of the safety/customer ratings for each brand. Now I can be confident in my choices of baby equipment, and for that I am truly indebted to her! Because there’s no cargo more precious than a bouncing baby boy or beautiful baby girl ;)

Finally, Tom and I made the big move to our new apartment this weekend. It wasn’t as difficult as it could have been since we decided to stay in the same building, but it ended up being a rather emotional event for the pregnant lady. When we finished cleaning the old place, left the keys on the counter, and turned around to take one final look at our first married home together – I totally lost it. And truth be told, still haven’t completely regained it yet. That apartment was filled with so much love and so many happy memories, that it was way harder to walk away from than I anticipated. But my wonderful husband keeps reminding me that we’re doing this for the baby (to get away from the noisy train tracks), and that we will make just as many – probably more! – happy memories in our new apartment with our new family. And that home is not simply a place, but wherever the three us of are…together.

Monday, July 22, 2013

12 weeks

Remember when I said I was looking forward to the next couple of weeks so I could get some energy and appetite back?! Yeah, that’s not happening. In fact, I have never felt worse. Previously, my moderate nausea would come and go throughout the day. Now it is not only constant, but more severe as well.  I have also been getting sick more frequently and in less convenient places (i.e. restaurants, car, work…basically anywhere you can’t make a mad dash to the bathroom). Even more aggravating is the fact that the foods I can’t keep down are the healthy ones: yogurt, fruit, vegetables, etc. Spaghetti? Fine. Pizza? Great. Grapes? Oh heck no. I’m starting to worry about this baby’s dietary judgment…

In happier news, we took Baby to his/her first Matt Nathanson concert this weekend! We found out last minute that he was playing at Festa Italiana at the Summerfest grounds – so we spent the evening there with my work friend, Danielle, and had a great time tasting some authentic Italian food and singing and dancing along to one of our favorite artists. 

Also had a great start to our week with my first trimester screening appointment. When the ultrasound began and the baby popped up on that screen, I could barely believe my eyes. S/he has grown leaps and bounds since our 8 week ultrasound, and the distinctly human form before me instantly brought tears to my eyes. I could not stop smiling. Baby showed off for me, moving around and displaying it’s tiny little hands and feet. The feeling was incredible. I snapped a picture of the screen and sent it to Tom (since he couldn’t get away from his surgery clerkship), who responded with equal amazement and joy. He was particularly happy to see the baby’s developing profile, which he thinks already looks like him ;)

Last but not least, we ordered, received, and addressed our pregnancy announcement cards! Now all that’s left to do is send them out at the end of the week, after I have my official 12 week check-up with my doctor. Can’t wait to FINALLY ANNOUNCE BABY LESCHKE!!!!

Monday, July 15, 2013

11 weeks

Another week has come and gone, and I’m just as hormonal and crazy as ever. 
 For example, here are just a few of the things that made me cry this week:
  • commercial where the military father surprises his wife and daughter in their new home (x3)
  • Waffles (just because they tasted so good)
  • Tom coming home 20 minutes late and not answering his phone (because the only logical conclusion is that he has met his untimely demise…obviously)

Things that made me laugh so hard I couldn’t catch my breath:
  • The “Pregnancy Insanity” chapter of The Girlfriend’s Guide to Pregnancy (because let’s face it – it’s just so true)
  • Every other scene of Father of the Bride 2 (I am not ashamed. This movie is hi-larious)

Things that made me so furious I was at risk for developing sudden onset Tourette’s:
  • Construction (particularly after making my 5 minute drive to work 35 minutes)
  • Inconsiderate drivers (seemingly related to the previous example, but an entirely separate issue)
  • Lack of quality produce at my local grocery store

In addition to my sensitive mood condition, I am still dealing with some pretty rough nausea, fatigue, and sleep disturbances. I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks when I will (supposedly) get some energy and appetite back!

Finally, Tom and I took some pictures this week for our upcoming pregnancy announcements! Our friends the Knabels were gracious enough to play “photo shoot” with us Saturday afternoon, and we got lots of great shots to choose from. Here is a sneak peak!:

Monday, July 8, 2013

10 weeks

Well, it's official! Baby has graduated from an embryo to a fetus. Which means the most crucial part of development is over, and during the coming months baby will be rapidly maturing and growing. S/he has little finger- and toe-nails already and "peach-fuzz" hair is staring to grow. Baby's limbs can also bend now and s/he is swallowing and kicking like crazy! Can hardly believe s/he is already about the size of a kumquat...or that I had to look up what a kumquat was.

In case you were wondering, it was not my prenatal vitos that made me toss my cookies last week - it was what I ate with my vitamins. I realized this after eating the same thing as an afternoon snack at work and subsequently having another bad reaction on my car ride home. The culprit? Yogurt. I can hardly even say the word without gagging now. This is unfortunate as yogurt is technically a pregnancy "super-food," but apparently baby thinks it is a super-don't. Since "the incident" I have been avoiding Chobani at all costs and haven't had to run to the bathroom again...yet.

Baby had a lot of "firsts" this week! First concert, first 4th of July, and even made his/her first future friend. Baby’s first concert was Florida-Georgia Line, Thompson Square, and Luke Bryan at hopes of encouraging baby's love for country music. We went to the show with Deidre (one of my best friends from high school) who, when she found out about she was going to be an Aunt, said she hopes it's a girl so she can buy her cute clothes ;)

Baby’s first 4th of July was nice. Tom had off work, so we went home to Oshkosh and spent the day with my parents and my sister, Kristen. We had appetizers and drinks on the lake (virgin bloody for me of course), saw a movie (during which my family was embarrassed by my uncontrollable laughter), and had a cookout for dinner. Then the whole drive home we saw fireworks light up the sky as proud Americans celebrated our independence. So happy that baby will be a citizen of this great country.

Finally, we spent Saturday afternoon in the park with our good friends, who announced that they are also expecting!! They shared the news by giving us a personalized onesie for Baby Leschke that says "My Best Friend is Baby [last name here]" on the front and "First Play Date February 2014" on the back. In the interest of keeping their secret, we are of course not revealing their identity...but we couldn't be more thrilled for them. My friend and I are so excited to be able to share this experience together, take maternity leave at the same time, and have instant future friends for our little ones. Life is good :)

Monday, July 1, 2013

9 weeks

NAUSEA. That pretty much sums up this week for baby and I. It turns out my strange food aversion/eating relief cycle is indeed a fun form of morning sickness  (or, as I like to called it, all-day-sickness). Except now the food aversion part has turned into full-fledged nausea, and the relief after eating only lasts approximately 20 minutes or so. Oh, the joys. Plus, I had the pleasure of experiencing my first round of physical illness this past weekend, which I am hoping was just the rare result of taking prenatals on a mostly empty stomach (fingers crossed!).

On a more positive note, Tom and I got to tell another person about Baby this week! One of our best friends from college, Stefanie, came to Milwaukee on business and spent a night with us. So instead of feigning illness to explain our avoidance of adult beverages, we decided to just take the opportunity to tell her in person (albeit a little early). She was so happy for us, and we were relieved to just tell the truth and be able to talk about it openly.

Telling lies and keeping secrets has definitely been the hardest part so far. This pregnancy is the most exciting and important news of our married life, so it’s counterintuitive to be hiding its existence from the people we love. And, with all of the happy hour and party invitations I have been turning down, I’m pretty sure my friends and coworkers are starting to think I’m super lame. Plus, I’m starting to run out of different variations of “I don’t feel good” and “I’m busy” excuses.

Well, as much as I would love to write more, it’s 10pm and waaaay past my bedtime. Okay, so maybe I am super lame…but at lease I have a pretty good reason for it ;)