tough week this week. Tom was put on the overnight shift at the hospital, so we
hardly saw each other for 7 days straight. It really made us realize how much
we take for granted the simple joy of each other’s company every day. But Tom
eased the loneliness by leaving me a sweet letter on my pillow, sending texts
when he had a few moments to spare, and even attempting to stay up one morning
to say hi to me when my alarm went off…even though he fell asleep mid-sentence
in an upright position. Poor guy. Needless to say, we are both looking forward
to getting back to our normal routine.
for our baby, he gained 4 ounces in the past week! – putting him at about 1 1/3
pounds. He’s almost a whole foot long (about the length of an ear of corn) and
is starting to “plump up.” His taste buds are emerging and his brain is growing
rapidly. Baby’s lungs are
developing branches and producing cells that make surfactant, which will help
his lungs inflate after birth. And if he is born now (God forbid), he actually
has a chance of survival. While we are praying for a healthy, full-term baby –
of course – it is still comforting to know that modern medicine could keep our beloved
little one alive now should he decide to come early.
friend Jackie and I started prenatal yoga this week, making for some nice
pregnancy bonding time with each other and with our babies. It was fun to meet
everyone in the class and make time for some safe exercise, stretching, and
relaxation. It was a welcome escape from my busy schedule to really focus on
this pregnancy and contemplate the little soul living inside me. He is so
precious to me already.
of Jackie, the Knabels found out this week
that their baby is a….GIRL! After so many months of
convincing ourselves that she was having a boy and I was
having a girl, the news shocked us both. It left Jackie
wondering if her baby girl will have a best friend or future husband in Baby Leschke. Official guesses so far are:
that their baby is a….GIRL! After so many months of
convincing ourselves that she was having a boy and I was
having a girl, the news shocked us both. It left Jackie
wondering if her baby girl will have a best friend or future husband in Baby Leschke. Official guesses so far are:
Vandenberg (a renowned gender predictor): Girl
Leschke: Boy
Sarah: Girl
Jack: Girl
'Auntie' Lauren: Boy
fun to make guesses and hear people’s predictions, but no one will know for
sure until February!!
big development this week was seeing
the baby move for the first time! I was sitting down with my laptop when I felt
some particularly strong movement, so I lifted my shirt and – sure enough – he
was squirming beneath my skin in plain sight. I tried to take a video with my
phone to send to Tom, but by then it was too late: Baby was resting comfortably
in his new position. Hopefully he’ll show off for Daddy again soon ;)
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