The Leschkes

The Leschkes

Monday, September 30, 2013

22 weeks

At 22 weeks, babies are generally around 11 inches long and almost 1 pound…so we can all assume that Baby Leschke is a little bigger than that ;) With his eyes, eyebrows, and lips becoming more distinct, he is starting to resemble a mini-newborn. He’s got little tooth buds developing under his gums and irises forming behind his lids. Baby is also sporting hair on his body and wrinkles in his skin!

My favorite development this week is actually feeling baby getting stronger inside me. Movements that used to feel like subtle flutters or butterflies are now growing into more obvious punches and kicks. And as Baby is moving and kicking more, I’m beginning to notice a pattern in his activity levels throughout the day – which is fun! He seems to be awake most consistently around 9am, 2pm, 5pm, and 10pm. Baby also tends to stir after I’ve eaten a meal (around noon and 7pm). Maybe he doesn’t like sharing his belly room with a full stomach….or maybe he’s just giving me a few “thank you” nudges for feeding him. Either way, I love feeling him more noticeably and more often, and getting to know him and his routine.

Now that I’m feeling a little better physically and gradually getting some appetite back, there are definitely a few things I’m starting to miss about not being pregnant:
1) Wine. Not so much beer or cocktails yet, but the untouched wine bottles in the rack at home are definitely calling my name.
2) Daily coffee. The smell of it used to send me running to the bathroom, and now it makes me drool all over myself.  Mornings are just not the same without it.
3) Eating whatever I want. I’m tired of scouring the menu at restaurants for options that don’t include deli meat, soft cheese, raw egg ingredients, or undercooked beef. Just once, I’d like to go somewhere without asking what has been pasteurized or sending meat back that isn’t truly “well done.”
4) Unlimited caffeine. Can’t pick up a latte or soda without counting milligrams or feeling a twinge of guilt. I have definitely been craving my fair share of milk and water, but have trouble resisting a warm Starbucks beverage on a chilly fall morning or a refreshing bubbly pop to go with my pizza.
5) Knowing which small spaces I will fit through. Gross misjudgments of my belly size have gotten me caught between a human and the water cooler at work one too many times. Note to self: accidental butt rubs with coworkers are ill-advised.

Finally, this mama-to-be will be turning the big 2-6 on Wednesday!  Tom was sweet enough to take over the chalkboard this week (after I had done the “22 weeks” part) to write me a happy birthday message from Baby. He also took me to the Elegant Farmer this past weekend to celebrate pregnancy-style! We had a delicious gourmet lunch at the deli; took a train ride to East Troy for ice cream sodas at an old-fashioned parlor; went apple picking; and raided the market for an award-winning caramel apple pie, fresh-baked cookies, hand-dipped caramel apples, gourmet popcorn, and specialty buttered cider! Best fall birthday celebration ever. And hands-down the most delicious... 

Monday, September 23, 2013

21 weeks

Two words: anatomy ultrasound. To be honest, I was a little worried it wasn't going to live up to the hype...but it was every bit as magical as people make it out to be. Thirty glorious minutes of Tom and I watching our growing baby move and play from within. At first Baby was curled up, sleeping on her tummy with her little bum in the air. The ultrasound tech got some great shots of her spine in that position, but then had me walk around the room for a while to wake her up. 
After that, Baby was wide awake and showing off. She kicked, danced, waved, sucked her thumb, and even did a somersault for us (which subsequently gave her the hiccups, poor thing)! Baby also showed the ultrasound tech some attitude by covering up a few of the body parts the tech was specifically looking for. For example, when she said, “Now I’m checking the heart,” Baby immediately crossed her arms over her chest…and when she said, “Now I’m looking at the skull,” Baby’s hands went right up to over her head. Surely a coincidence, but pretty comical nonetheless!

During the ultrasound, the technician was very careful to not refer to gender, always calling the Baby “little one” or “peanut.” She had us look away while she took pictures of the baby’s privates, and Tom shielded our eyes with his hands – just in case either of us got the urge to peek….or maybe he just didn’t trust me. Either way, we did NOT get any hints of the sex of the baby (to my mom’s dismay), and are very happy to have kept our d-day surprise in tact!

What we did find out from the fetal care doctor afterward is that our baby is “just perfect.” Her heartbeat is still strong and regular, all body parts are accounted for and developing properly, and – to no one’s surprise – she is already weighing in over the average (12 oz as opposed to the typical 10 oz). The doctor also commented on her long fingers (future pianist perhaps?!) and big feet (each over 1 in. long already!). So in keeping with Vandenberg family tradition, we’re right on track to have a ginormous newborn. God help me during delivery!

Then, just when we thought this week couldn’t get any more exciting, Tom felt our baby move for the first time! I had just fallen asleep that night when I was awoken by Tom yelling, “LAURA! Did you feel that?!” I panicked in my semi-dreamlike state, imagining an earthquake splitting the ground beneath us or a runaway train hitting our apartment building. But as I slowly emerged from my delirium, I realized that his hand was on my stomach and he was grinning from ear to ear. He was so happy; I could have sworn I saw a tear glistening in the expectant father’s eye. His hand has been glued to my stomach every night since :)

Monday, September 16, 2013

20 weeks

HALFWAY THERE!!!!!!!! 20 weeks down, 20 to go. I can hardly believe how fast time is flying, and yet how much longer we still have to wait to meet our little one! I must say, it’s a huge relief to be over the halfway mark. The further away I get from all-day-sickness (and the closer to Baby!), the better.

Speaking of, I finally felt hunger again for the first time this week!! It was a long-awaited, highly anticipated feeling…that never went away. Yup, that’s right. I spent the better part of the last 5 months yearning for that empty stomach feeling to satisfy – and now that it’s finally arrived, it cannot be quenched. I must have eaten 3 consecutive breakfasts this morning, and alas, my stomach was still growling…

Makes sense though. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about pregnancy, it is that everything is an extreme. I sleep like a rock or I’m tossing and turning all night. I don’t have to pee or I’m going to wet my pants. I’m bawling my eyes out or laughing hysterically. There’s not much in-between. So I shouldn’t be surprised that it’s either food repulsion or gluttony. Now if the hunger truly never subsides, we could have a problem. But after 10+ weeks of what felt like the 24-hour flu, I’ll take it!

Plus, Baby needs nutrition for all the growing he’s doing! He weighs around 10 ½ ounces now and is about 10 inches from head to foot – roughly the length of a banana. His big project this week is swallowing and digestion (go figure). And in two short days he’ll be strutting his stuff on the big screen in front of mom-and-dad-to-be at the big anatomy ultrasound! Stay tuned for updates next week. We can’t wait!   
As for the week, it was a pretty busy one – complete with an in-law family dinner outing, final bridesmaid’s dress fittings, a Collin Hay concert downtown, and finally the big Lewis wedding weekend! Tom and I drove down to Peoria on Friday for the rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and evening drinks (mocktails for us, of course); and spent the rest of the weekend celebrating the union of two of our closest college friends, Allison & Doug. The weather was beautiful. The bride was gorgeous. The reception was fun. In sum, the day was perfect. And Tom and I were so honored to stand up next to our friends on the most important day of their lives and witness their undeniable love.

And you know what they say: first come love, then comes marriage, then comes….;)

Monday, September 9, 2013

19 weeks

I’ve been getting “the question” a lot lately, so for anyone else who might be wondering…no, Tom and I are not finding out the gender of our baby before it's born. Since there are many pros & cons for both finding out and waiting, we decided that it mostly comes down to when you want the surprise: before or after the baby is born. For us, we think it will be more exciting to find out in the delivery room, as our beautiful baby boy or girl is being handed to us for the very first time; the same way it is more thrilling to open up a Christmas or birthday present when you don't know what's inside. Having said that, I totally believe that each expectant couple must make the decision that's right for them and them alone, and that their personal choice should not be judged or ridiculed by others. (Can you tell I’ve met some very opinionated people on both sides of the aisle?!)

After making our decision to wait, we also decided to switch off referring to the baby as "he" or "she" every week. That way we avoid having to refer to the baby as the inhuman/impersonal "it" and I bypass the annoyance of typing s/he and him/her in every blog entry. The weekly fetal development updates I get use the same strategy, and this week they are referring to the baby as a female – and so shall we! So from here on out, odd weeks are ‘girl’ and even weeks are ‘boy’. Tom’s dad (who has a strong hunch he’s getting a grandson) pointed out that Baby will be born on a “boy week” at week 40. I was just about to consider it an omen when Tom pointed out that the baby could come at 39 weeks or even 41 weeks, making the point moot. And then I just about cried at the thought of going 41 weeks…

Anyway, Baby is hard at work this week developing her senses. She can even hear now! Tom has prepared for this step by talking to my belly every day. He even told it a made up story entitled The Princess and the Schlub, which suspiciously resembled the story of how the two of us met. What a funny schlub. I mean guy ;)

Overall, it was a pretty fun week. We spent some relaxing time at the cottage with the Leschkes, watched the first regular season Packer game with the Vandenbergs, and celebrated our friend Jackie’s birthday with burgers and froyo downtown. Speaking of Jackie, remember back in week 10 when I mentioned knowing another couple that is also expecting? The secret is out…it’s Danny and Jackie Knabel: our first medical school acquaintances, the first people we shared our pregnancy news with, and our best friends here in Milwaukee. Now I can finally post a picture of the adorable onesie they gave our baby to announce theirs. We love you already, Baby K!   

Monday, September 2, 2013

18 weeks

HAPPY LABOR DAY! Baby, daddy, and I spent a much-needed long weekend in Peoria, IL, partaking in pre-wedding festivities for our college friends, Allison & Doug! Tom and I were so excited to finally "introduce" Baby L to its Butler Aunties and Uncle! The bridal shower/bachelorette party day was a raging success (despite a vomiting relapse the morning of [sigh]), and the mini college reunion the day after was just what the doctor ordered. 

Baby Leschke is growing fast, already measuring around 5 ½ inches long and weighing in around 7 ounces. S/he is about the size of a bell pepper and is mastering the arts of hiccupping and yawning. S/he is growing ever-more unique, with his/her own set of fingerprints on his/her tiny fingers and toes! And while I can’t feel the movements consistently yet, Baby is twisting, rolling, punching, and kicking more than ever.

This is the first week I’ve really started to “feel pregnant.” My baby belly seems to have “popped,” and I’m looking more expectant and less like I just ate a few too many cookies. Consequently, my center of balance is slightly off, and I’m feeling a little clumsier on my feet. I also get faintly dizzy every time I stand up quickly and am having more trouble finding a relaxing position to sleep. Strangest of all, my pre-pregnancy pants are no longer comfortably accommodating Little L, so I’ve graduated to mostly belly bands and even a few demi panel pants. I thought the transition would be defeating, but so far the relief has outweighed the humiliation. Turns out liberation knows no shame.

The pregnancy also seems to be much more “real” to Tom now. Whether it be the increasingly visible evidence of Baby or the looming reality of being almost halfway to d-day, I’ve been getting lots more belly rubs, help around the house, and special treatment. I even woke up this morning to a beautiful fresh bouquet of flowers and warm donuts. While the extra attention is more than welcome, what warms my heart the most is the increased excitement in his voice when talking to people about our newest addition and his tendency to use inclusive terminology when referring to the pregnancy (“we’re pregnant,” “our doctor’s appointment,” “we are 18 weeks along now,” etc.). It reminds me that we are truly experiencing this together. Or, as Tom told me at the very beginning, “I’m in this with you 110%.” I’m one lucky girl.