The Leschkes

The Leschkes

Monday, June 10, 2013

6 weeks

A mere two weeks ago, baby was only the size of a poppy seed. Today, baby is the size of a sweet pea with a heart the size of a poppy seed! His/her eyes, nose, mouth, and ears are starting to form- as well as the rest of his/her brain, muscles, and bones. Can’t believe how quickly the baby is developing.  As Tom would say, "S/he is already growing up so fast!" ;)

This past week I had my first set of labs done (so. much. blood.) and scheduled my first ultrasound (June 24th can’t come soon enough!). I also had to set up a first trimester screening and genetic consultation. I learned that I’m going to have prenatal appointments every four weeks until I’m 28 weeks along, every two weeks until I’m 36 weeks along, and then every week until the baby comes! And I thought I could save up my sick time for maternity leave…ha!

As far as symptoms go, no major new developments. Still have little-to-no appetite (accompanied by insatiable thirst), can’t go an hour without a trip to the ladies’ room, and haven’t slept through the night since the big news. The biggest change (besides losing my incessant need for salsa – to Tom’s dismay) is my endless fatigue. This weekend, I pulled a major mom-move and fell asleep on the sofa by 9pm. Y.I.K.E.S. Hopefully I get some energy back soon – any little bit would help! 

To help keep active (and – let’s face it – stay awake), Tom and I have been going for long walks on the trails through the woods near our apartment. It’s been nice to get outside, breathe some fresh air, enjoy the weather, and spend some quality, uninterrupted time together (especially since that will be rare come February!). Being frustrated by losing my more challenging workout routine, however, I went online and purchased some prenatal workout DVD’s…so we’ll see how that goes! We also bought our first pregnancy books this week: The Complete Book of Baby Names and What to Expect When You’re Expecting. Plus my thoughtful sister, Sarah, sent me Baby Bargains and The Girlfriends’ Guide to Pregnancy. Good thing I love exercising and reading, because it looks like I’ll be doing a lot of it over the next 7 ½ months. Can’t wait to get started!

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