The Leschkes

The Leschkes

Monday, January 13, 2014

37 weeks

Whoa, mama! Full term and definitely feeling it.  Baby is about 6 ½ pounds, over 19 inches long, and starting to do some damage! Turns out I have developed something called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD), which is basically a misalignment of the pelvis that causes acute pain when shifting positions. Not so bad, right? Except that shifting positions occurs when doing – oh yeah – just about everything. Walking, lifting, carrying, sitting down, standing up, bending over, stepping…you name it, it hurts.

On the bright side, I may not have to deal with this condition for very long. I had the first of my now weekly prenatal appointments on Friday and learned that I am already 50% effaced and almost 1 cm dilated…YIKES! I obviously knew this would happen eventually, but had no idea it would be so soon! My doctor did say that it’s common for effacement/dilation to begin early in first pregnancies, but that – and I quote – “things are definitely happening!” Part of me wanted to laugh, part of me wanted to cry, and part of me wanted to scream, “Make it stop!” In reality, I think I just sat there with my mouth wide open like a bewildered idiot.

Other than that, my blood pressure and weight gain are still good and – surprise! – I am finally measuring on target again at 37 weeks. My doctor said that perhaps she and I are wrong, the fetal growth ultrasound is right, and our baby will be normal-sized. HA! I can only hope. She also confirmed that what I have been feeling lately are indeed Braxton Hicks contractions…yet another sign that my body is preparing for delivery. All this birthing talk has brought on a series of mixed emotions – shocker, I know – ranging from anxiety (that the baby will come before we’re ready) to excitement (that we will get to hold and kiss her soon!) to reluctance (that I will have to let her go). That’s right – it took physical signs of labor for me to realize that although I desperately want to feel normal again, there is a definite part of me that will miss feeling her warmth and life inside of me after she’s gone.
Mushiness aside, Little Leschke made a haul with TWO baby showers this week! My thoughtful and generous coworkers threw me a surprise shower at work on Wednesday, complete with adorable decorations, chocolate raspberry cake, sparkling juice, red velvet cheesecake brownies, a prediction game (for Baby’s birthday, gender, and weight), and the most unique and creative gift I’ve ever seen: a diaper bathtub! The tub was made of diapers, the faucet was rolled up washcloths, the bubbles were cotton balls, and it was filled with bath-related gifts (a towel, body wash, shampoo, lotion, rubber duckies, bubble bath, etc.) as well as a picture of the combined present they got me: our Chicco hook-on high chair! A huge thanks to everyone at MCW who contributed to making the day so special.

And on Saturday, Tom and I made our last childless trip back to Oshkosh for my Leschke family/friends baby shower! My wonderful mother-in-law hosted this lovely event at their home, where we mingled over delicious hors d’oeuvres and sherbet punch, ate a gourmet catered lunch, opened an abundance of presents, played a few games, and indulged in my favorite La Sure’s chocolate chocolate-chip cake with butter cream frosting (yum!). Julie even had each guest write me a card with advice on parenthood and suggestions for keeping the love alive in our marriage after baby. We got some truly insightful counsel along with some fabulous gifts, and are so grateful for everyone’s kindness and generosity!

Then yesterday, Tom and I had brunch with my parents to celebrate my dad’s birthday (Happy Birthday, Papa!!) before heading home to Milwaukee, where we will stay put now until D-day. After unloading the car, we unpacked all the baby gifts we've acquired over the past several months, took off packaging/tags, and separated items into categories on the floor of the nursery (clothes, bath time supplies, toys, diaper changing gear, books, etc.) It’s not much, but it’s a good start to the major organizing/cleaning process that’s about to ensue. I think it’s safe to say the nesting instinct has officially set in :)

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